Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long approximately will it take for my goods to reach the destination?

    OriginDestinationWorking days (approx)
    🇬🇧 UK🇮🇩 Indonesia20
    🇳🇱 Netherlands🇮🇩 Indonesia20
    🇺🇸 US🇮🇩 Indonesia20
    🇦🇺 Australia🇮🇩 Indonesia20
    🇸🇬 Singapore🇮🇩 Indonesia5
    🇮🇩 Indonesia🇬🇧 UK5
    🇯🇵 Japan🇮🇩 Indonesia20
  2. When is the next shipment?

    • Shipments from UK and Netherlands to Indonesia are once a week
    • The rest of the shipments are usually once every 2 week
    • Package is shipped by the end of the week
  3. How is the payment procedure?
    Transfer the money via bank transfer

  4. What are the restricted and prohibited items?

    • Wet and unprocessed food
    • Fresh herbs
    • Lithium Battery (>20000Mah)
    • Cajuput
    • Unbranded white powder
    • Alcohol
    • Tobacco
    • Guns
    • Illegal goods
    • Pornography

    Please check our Terms of Use

  5. How do I know if my items arrived at the drop point?
    You will be notified via email and you can check your page in our website

  6. Can Kalir pack my items?
    Yes, we will pack your items once they have arrived at our drop point. The cost included in our service rate.

  7. How would I know when my goods arrive at the destination point?
    You will be notified via email and you can check your page in our website

  8. Is insurance for my goods included in freight charges?
    Yes if you use our Shared Buying Service. If not, you have to specifically request it. We can get insurance cover for your goods at cost 4% from the value of the item.

  9. Can I return my ordered items?
    Yes, we can help to arrange an order return with a small fee.

  10. How do I know if my items arrived at the destination point?
    You will be notified via email and you can check your page in our website

  11. How can I arrange a collection of my goods at the destination point?
    Please contact us via chat, email, or phone to arrange collection

  12. Can I ask to send the items to another destination in Indonesia?
    Yes, you can opt this service when you fill up the initial form or send us a request via chat or email.